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completed call中文是什么意思

用"completed call"造句"completed call"怎么读"completed call" in a sentence


  • 完成呼叫


  • Calls refer to the actual number of completed calls
  • Exceeding the maximum of 32 nesting levels causes the complete calling chain to fail
  • You don t have to build in custom support because the web server has the complete call stack for that point in time
  • Because native call stacks and managed call stacks differ , the debugger cannot always provide the complete call stack for mixed code
  • Because of differences between call stacks for managed and native code , the debugger cannot always show the complete call stack when the code types mix
  • The following factors may affect the measurement of telephone traffic : mobile traffic ( for some countries this is included ) ; whether total attempted or completed calls are used ; whether calls to directory and other services are included and whether both automatic and manually placed calls are included
    下列因素可能会影响话务量的度量:移动话务量(一些国家中包含了此项) ;使用的是总试呼还是完成通话数;按目录呼叫或其他业务呼叫是否包含进去以及是否包含了自动和手动接通的电话呼叫数。
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